Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mommy needs some personal space

Lately the kids seem to think that I am their personal climbing gym/toy. And if I'm honest with myself, I guess I sort of am. But still, mommy would like a little more personal space. I tried to explain this concept to Bob and he just said "No. No personal space." which pretty much sums up my life. I've also tried to install "mommy's turn" into the mix. They seem to get the concept of taking turns with each other, but why would mommy need a turn? If I tell Kiera I'm busy reading the paper, she just brings me one book after another, slams it down and says "read." When I say no, she either goes and gets another book or flings herself onto the floor and sobs. What's a mommy to do?

This mommy has taken to going on longer and longer runs in order to get a little time to myself. Seems like my ass belongs to everyone except myself. Running is nice because I get to listen to the music I want (without Jeff or the kids complaining about or making fun of it) and I get to be alone with my thoughts. At this rate, that baby weight is going to be gone in no time!

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