Thursday, September 4, 2008

Camping, Take 2

I'm very excited that we are going camping again this weekend. And I cannot believe the weather is going to be freakin' beautiful! We're headed up to Lopez Island. I love the San Juans and haven't been up there in years. I'm praying that we don't have to wait around for hours to catch the ferry. I'm going to toss the kids in the car as soon as they wake up and try to catch the 10am ferry.

Jeff was supposed to be testifying as an expert witness (I love saying "expert witness." It just makes me think about what a smarty pants he is. But the best part is that he doesn't realize it and still likes to watch things like "Most Shocking Explosions" on tv and yells "OMG, did you see that?! "when something really big blows up. Makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.) but the trial got postponed or something so now he's going to be able to drive up with us instead of later in the evening. Yay!

And this time we get to make a GIANT FIRE! Camping without fire is lame.

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