Wednesday, August 13, 2008

remodelling is NOT fun

So, we have a house that was built in 1916 and pretty much I hate everything about it, except
1. Location, location, location
2. Size

We bought it knowing it would need a lot of work. We finally got around to hiring an architect to draw up plans for the "dream home" and discovered it's going to be a lot MORE work and money than we thought originally. I think we rolled with this info pretty well considering. So, we scaled back and we're going to work on fixing/adding a real back porch and a deck. However, even this has been a pain in the butt and is costing way more than we thought.

We're interviewing yet another contractor next week and waiting for an estimate on our custom windows (ugh) which will hopefully get us closer to our budget. I was hoping the work would be done by now, but I should have known better. Sigh.

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