Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Don't look directly at the boobs

We went to see Role Models at work today (yes, I do have the best job ever) which was completely inappropriate but highly entertaining. In the movie, one of the guys gives the advice that you should never look directly at a girl's boobs. Now, you definitely do need to watch the lecherous staring but I think the casual glance is acceptable depending on the circumstances. For example, I spent years perfecting the "look at my boobs" move which involves leaning on a table just the right way to get the proper amount of cleavage. In fact, I've done it so much that I now do it all the time without thinking, although when effective it is still entertaining. However, I tried this move on my husband a few weeks ago at dinner and he just said "are you showing me your cleavage?" Sheesh. I really need to get some new moves. Anyone have any good ones to share with me?

1 comment:

Jim said...

Don't break the horizon. Cardinal rule. Break it, and she pwns you.