Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Remodeling Sucks!

Ok, so after all this time waiting to do the remodel, now I hate it. I want it over and done with. I almost wish we'd never done it, except for the fact that it is going to be awesome when it is done. The house is so dirty, dusty and disgusting. Bleck. What is it with the contractors that they can't seem to keep things moving without regular phone calls reminding them that "hey! you should be at my house putting it back together!" fuckers.

Anyway, if Jeff and I don't get divorced or kill each other by the time the next 2 weeks is over, we should be good for the rest of time.

And random aside for the day. Some dude in the elevator commented on my purse. I figure he is either
a. Gay
b. Hitting on me
c. a Freak
I'd like to think b since he was kinda cute in a dorky sort of way but I suspect a or c due to my luck with men over time.

Also, it's my baby's birthday and if you want to hear her birth story I'm happy to tell it again for the 500th time!!! I never get tired of thinking about it. :)

1 comment:

Super Happy Fun Person said...

Hmmm...this is too funny...did you get a new purse?