Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

Today is the 10th anniversary of my first date with Jeff. Jeff is being all sentimenal about it, which is very weird since I'm the one who usually wants to mark birthdays, anniversarys, etc and Jeff always gives me a hard time (this could be another blog post but lets just say that I like presents and I never get any!). I still remember our date pretty clearly. My big plan was to use him up and spit him back out. That didn't work out so well. I had a long history of dating the wrong sort of guy and Jeff wasn't any different. He had a semi-girlfriend 10 years ago but that didn't stop either one of us. Somehow we ended up getting serious, moving to Seattle, getting married and having kids. I thought getting married was going to solve all my problems. But turns out marriage is pretty freakin hard if you don't have your emotional houses in order. But today, we've been hanging out together for 10 years. He's still my best friend, so I figure we must be doing something right.

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