Friday, November 21, 2008

Eyebrow waxing hurts and mustaches

I got my first eyebrow wax ever yesterday. And I swear someone told me it doesn't really hurt. Lying Bastard! I wax my legs all the time and damn that hurt, but not as much as waxing off my mustache. Speaking of which, as I'm showing off my hairlessness to my adoring husband last night, he says "yeah, I'd noticed you were getting a lot of dark hair there." Thanks for telling me now, buddy! Newsflash: That's your freakin job! I know it wasn't in the wedding vows, but it was implied. To have and to hold, for better, for worse, and to tell me when the hair on my lip is getting out of control. Jeez. I tell you when your ear and nose hairs are getting a bit too much. I let you know that yes, you are too fat for those pants and no, those shoes don't go with that outfit. Not that you usually listen, but still.

Now I'm going to go stroke my smooth skin some more.

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