Sunday, July 27, 2008

Stress keeps me up at night

I hate not being able to sleep. And causes sleeplessness which in turn causes extreme crankiness. I hate not being able to sleep. That is one thing I don't like about working. When I stayed at home, I never had trouble sleeping. I would fall asleep exhausted without any real worries aside from how I would entertain B and K and keep from going insane the next day.

Usually I don't have many worries over my job. Its not exactly brain surgery. Technical writing while interesting isn't going to ruin lives. But I am one of the main interviewers on our team and I particularily skewered someone this week. I wasn't really intending to go after him, but he was being evasive. I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not. Sometimes people just aren't very forthcoming. But I felt like he was trying to snow me so I kept digging. In the end, I liked the guy but didn't feel like he'd be a good hire. And it didn't really matter what I decided since he'd gotten the thumbs down from everyone else on the loop already. But I still feel bad about it. I swear sometimes I think you could get hired or not just based on whether the interviewer is having a good or bad day. I usually feel good about my decisions with hiring. I know I've gotten pretty good at interviewing. I think I just really could empathize with this guy who's in a crap situation and just wants to get out. But I didn't feel like he really wanted to work on our team as a writer. I think he was just looking for an easy out. Oh well. Hopefully he'll find something he'll really like and in the end we'll have done him a favor.

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